Basic Programming part V - Challenge : Glitching/Datamoshing

Testing 3D Glitching on the Benchy

Using the Processing sketch given in the course :

// Open a file and read its binary data
byte b[] = loadBytes("/home/fablab/test.stl");
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
 if (b[i] == 0) {
 b[i]= 127;
// Writes the bytes to a file
saveBytes("/home/fablab/test127.stl", b);

All the glitch tested

Testing 3D Glitching on a Rook

All the glitch tested, using the same sketch as for the Benchy

Glitching Program

Finding the RGB values of the BMP file

Thanks to this very useful article linked in the course :

Modified sketch

// Open a file and read its binary data
byte b[] = loadBytes("test.bmp");
int a = 0;
for (int i = 41; i < b.length - 3; i += 3) 
  byte red = b[i];
  byte green = b[i+1];
  byte blue = b[i+2];

  println("red " + red + " blue " + blue + " green " + green);

  b[i] = red;
  b[i+1] = green;
  b[i+2] = blue;

  //b[i] = byte(b[i]);
  a = i;
println("done " + a);
// Writes the bytes to a file
saveBytes("test25.bmp", b);

Original sketch

// Open a file and read its binary data
byte b[] = loadBytes("/home/fablab/test.stl");
for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
 if (b[i] == 0) {
 b[i]= 127;
// Writes the bytes to a file
saveBytes("/home/fablab/test127.stl", b);

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    No results matching ""