Getting started with the 3018 CNC Engraving Machine

0. The 3018 CNC

The 3018 CNC is a low cost miiling mavhine that I bought for 119€ on discount a few months ago.

Specification table -
Model Mini CNC3018 (Without laser module)
Frame material Aluminum
Power supply DC 24V 5.6A
Work area Approx. 300x180x40mm
Machine Size Approx. 400x330x240mm
Control software GRBL
Stepper motor 42 stepper motors, voltage: 12V, phase current 1.3A, torque 0.25Nm
Spindle motor 775 spindle motor (12-36V) 24V: 7000r / min, 36V: 9000r / min
Net weight 7.5KG
- -
Engraving materials The machine can carve wood, plastic, acrylic, PCB or similar materials.
Cannot engrave hard metal (such as brass, steel, iron, etc.), jade and other very hard texture items.

1. Parts of the machine to improve

CNC Tray

A major issue I met using this CNC and its original accessories was the difficulty to efficiently attach a piece to engrave on the tray. The clamp system delivered with the machine doesn't stay in place with the vibrations produced when it is turned on. To solve that issue, Romain advised me to attach a martyr board on the aluminium tray. I used a board with approximatively the same size as the cnc tray and attached it by making holes and using the cnc screws system. I added a 3mm poplar plank to use as my engraving test board, which is attached using the same system as the martyr board.

Spindle motor

[to come]

Ressource :

End-stop switches

[to come]

Ressource :

Emergency stop

[to come]

2. Milling tests

Drill Bits
  • 3.175mm diameter
  • 0.1mm tip
  • 20° angle


I used Easel, an online gcode generator :

GRBL Control

  1. Calibrate X, Y, and Z origins.

  2. Import .gcode file.

  3. Send the instructions.

  4. Stay alert.

Milling tests
Picture Test Bit size Depth Depth per pass Feed rate Plunge Rate Spindle Speed Issue encountered
1 mm 1 mm 0.2 mm 350 mm/min 150 mm/min 7000r/min The Y axis wasn't tighten enough
0.5 mm 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 300 mm/min 150 mm/min 7000r/min -
0.5 mm 0.2 mm 0.1 mm 300 mm/min 150 mm/min 7000r/min -
0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.2 mm 300 mm/min 150 mm/min 7000r/min the engraving board wasn't plane at this location, it was milling in the air.
0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.2 mm 300 mm/min 150 mm/min 7000r/min -

Bonus pictures :

3. Drawing tests

Test set up

It was late, and the spindle motor producing too much noise I couldn't use it, so I attached a pen using adhesive chatterton.


The parameters used are slighty the same as with the milling bit, the pen size is 0.3mm, but the speed has been reduced to 250mm/min.

GRBL Control

The pen is calibrated the same way as with the milling bit, but I added 0.2mm to the Z origin so that the tip of the pen does not get damaged.

Drawing tests
Picture test Pen size Depth Depth per pass Feed rate Plunge Rate Spindle Speed Issue encountered
0.3 mm 0.1 mm 0.1 mm 250 mm/min 150 mm/min - The chatterton is not enough to tightely attach the pen, the result can't be precise.
0.3 mm 0.1 mm 0.1 mm 250 mm/min 150 mm/min - The chatterton is not enough to tightely attach the pen, the result can't be precise.

For more accurate result with the drawing test, I should 3D print a part, the pen would be attached tightely enough, and the result more precise.

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